Friday, 16 October 2015

Off Topic/ Slightly on topic

Last night I was doing my volunteering with the salvation army on 118th ave. We have a van that drives up and down handing out food and clothing and offering prayer. I do not offer the women prayer. I go on the van because it is a women's only van and I can talk to the women instead of handing them condoms and clean needles, which is also a great service but not what I an looking for. Last night in the van a woman came on and I was talking to her. She is first nations and mentioned that she was raised in an urban setting and that she has never known the reserve life. This did not strike me as odd, I know this is a regular occurrence what happened next is what has got me thinking. She went to Walmart with some people she met on the street, they were all drunk so she drove this guy's truck. They ended up stealing from Walmart and got away in the truck and left her there in Walmart. She is an sex worker and a quote from her was "I knew that I should follow one of the commandments so I chose the stealing one". We all laughed. then she said "many times in my life I have hated my skin colour, the shape of my face. I have hated my culture. Who my ancestors were because of people like that. Because of the people who give who we are a bad name". Later in the conversation when she was describing the incident more thoroughly she said "every time I am in Walmart I am followed by a floor walker. It has become normal for me. Sometimes I try and make friends with then to show them that I am a person too". Ever single day of her life she is pegged because what she looks like. Is she a bad person, no. Does she have a job that I do not want her doing because I think she is way more than that, of course. I love her anyway though. She is surviving in a world that has never believed in her. It has never told her that she is more. It has never showed her what else she could be. I tried last night. I tried to show her the value she is but I know that she is out working right now and that breaks me heart.

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